Check-in opening times
Check-in opens 2 hours before departure for all domestic and international flights
Passengers are required to check-in at least 60 minutes before the flight is due to depart.
Check-in closes 30 minutes prior to departure. No passenger will be accepted after this time.
Depending on your fare conditions, a failure to check-in on time may also result in:
- the loss of the fare. You will need to make a new booking and pay for a new ticket if you wish to travel, OR
- the payment of a change fee plus any difference between the fare for your new booking and the original fare.
If you have an electronic or paper ticket and are travelling within Australia, you will be asked to present a Government issued photographic identification such as a driver’s licence, passport or proof of age card.
Passengers are required to check-in at least 90 minutes before the flight is due to depart.
Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to departure. No passenger will be accepted after this time.
Depending on your fare conditions, a failure to check-in on time may also result in:
- the loss of the fare. You will need to make a new booking and pay for a new ticket if you wish to travel, OR
- the payment of a change fee plus any difference between the fare for your new booking and the original fare.
Before booking your flight, it is important to consider what travel documents you require: visas, customs, forms of identification and quarantine information.
Connecting Flights
Airnorth does not guarantee flight connections with other airlines/multiple flights or cover expenses resulting from missed connections. It is the passenger’s responsibility when making bookings to allow time for baggage collection and re-check. Travel insurance is recommended.
Connecting time between Airnorth flights:
Domestic to domestic | 30 minutes [when holding boarding passes for all flights] |
Domestic to international | 90 minutes |
International to domestic | 90 minutes |
Arrival documents
For international flights, when required, arrival documents will be handed to you at check-in or distributed by cabin crew during the flight. For arrival at an Australian international airport you will receive a Passenger Card that you need to complete, ready for presentation with your passport at passport control.
Check-in locations
Alice Springs | Main Terminal | Qantas check-in counters |
Broome | Domestic Terminal | Qantas check-in counter |
Cairns | Domestic Terminal | Airnorth check-in counters |
Darwin | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counters |
Dili, Timor-Leste | International Airport | General check-in counters |
Elcho Island | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Gove (Nhulunbuy) | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Groote Eylandt | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Katherine | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counters |
Kununurra | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Maningrida | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
McArthur River | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Milingimbi | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Perth | Domestic Terminal – Terminal 3 | Airnorth check-in counters |
Tennant Creek | Main Terminal | Airnorth check-in counter |
Townsville | Main Terminal | Qantas check-in counters |